Today Apple unveiled two new Intel-based Mac mini systems that are up to four times faster than previous G4 models. The high-end model sports a 1.66 GHz Intel Core Duo processor and the lower-end model comes with a 1.5 GHz Intel Core Solo processor. Both systems now include built-in 10/100/1000 BASE-T Gigabit Ethernet, built-in AirPort Extreme WiFi, built-in Bluetooth, four USB 2.0 ports (up from two in previous models), one FireWire 400 port, an optical digital and analog audio in/out, and built-in mono speaker.
The systems come bundled with Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger, iLife ’06, iWork ’06 (30-day trial), Front Row, Big Bang Board Games, Comic Life and OmniOutliner. The base price of the new Mac mini has been increased $100, bringing the price up to $599 for the Solo and $799 for the Duo.
Thankfully the design and footprint of the Mac mini have not changed and will continue to be an idea in-car media solution – we can’t wait to get our hands in one of these powerhouses. It’s great to have FrontRow and the Apple Remote officially supported and included with the Mac mini. The additional two USB ports will help to simplify our installs by taking a USB hub out of the equation. Overall an excellent upgrade for the already capable Mac mini. Both new models are available today.